2 Free Condoms
Staying safe is for everyone – regardless of what you’re into, your HIV status or how much sex you are having. Most people are aware that unprotected anal sex between two guys is at the top of the scale when it comes to HIV risk. So if that’s what you are into, you need to be clued up about safe sex.
If you are HIV negative, condoms provide the surest barrier to HIV and many other STIs. Condoms need to be used consistently and in the right way. If you struggle with condoms, PrEP may be an option for you.
If you are living with HIV, condoms are an important way to keep yourself safe from STIs and reduce the chance of passing on HIV. Treating HIV is often also an effective way to prevent its transmission. People living with HIV who are on anti-retroviral treatment and maintain an undetectable viral load for at least six months do not sexually transmit HIV.
Consent means knowing what you want, asking for it, and saying no to anything you aren’t into – no matter how hot he is. You need to feel okay about everything that’s happening. You’ve always got the right to stop at any point you want.